Don’t let your payments increase. It is Time to appeal your property tax
In DFW area one of the biggest pain points for homeowners can be their property
taxes. Because our market is growing so rapidly, often property taxes get inflated
past where they should be. A service we provide at American Dream Group is to
provide homeowners the information they would need in order to know if that is the
case for them, as well as the data and information they need to fight these high taxes.
We really think everyone should protest their property taxes, and protest them every
single year. And the reason why is because it’s a way for us as a community to keep
our property taxes down. Not down below market value, but to give us a way to
control our property value so that the county doesn’t over-access the value, which is
what they typically want to do, right? They want to do that in order to increase
property taxes for the sake of the revenue that that would generate.
So if all of us protested our property taxes in a given community, it tells the accessors
‘No, we don’t agree with that,’ and it makes it hard for those accessors to combat that.
If just one of us from an entire neighborhood goes in to protest and nobody else
does, then it’s very easy for the county to say ‘Well why isn’t everyone else
protesting?’ And then they can more easily say that your property is worth more than
it is.
When people don’t appeal, the taxing authority accepts that their value is correct. This affects all homeowners in a given area.”
Therefore, I encourage everyone to protest their taxes, or at least look at their taxes
every single year to make sure that they’re not being over-accessed. And part of what
we’re doing at American Dream Group is to do our part to help our community, our
neighbors, access their taxes. And you know what, many times we’ll say ‘It looks like
your value is right on,’ but most of the time we say ‘It’s probably good if you protest.’”